Eine medizinisch-gesundheitliche Perspektive auf die Vor- und Nachteile der beiden Kopfhörerarten
Kopfhörer sind heutzutage ein ständiger Wegbegleiter in sämtlichen Lebenssituationen.
Vor allem beim Sport helfen sie, um sich von coolen Beats antreiben zu lassen und volle Power zu geben.
Den richtigen Kopfhörer für die eigenen Ansprüche zu fin...
Kurz-kurz oder lang-lang? Was zunächst klingen mag wie die Frage nach deinem neuen Haarschnitt, zielt in Wirklichkeit auf etwas anders ab:Laufbekleidung. Und zwar die perfekte Laufbekleidung für das nächste Training.In diesem Beitrag erklären wir, worauf du bei der Wahl deines Sportoutfits achten solltest, insbesondere um passend zur Jahreszeit ...
You want to push your training to the next level? Then our give-away is just right for you!
Because we give away a Push-Yourself-Bundle consisting of the Earebel Elite Headband, Earebel "Sound by JBL" Bluetooth Headphones and a TrainingMask 3.0 with a total value of 153,90€!
To enter the competition:
FOLLOW @earebel on Instagram
LIKE the give-a...
Music is better than doping - it pushes your limits in a very legal way!
Ever since we started Earebel, we wanted to create the perfect headphones for sports. Because we always knew it: sport and music belong together like pot and lid, chips and ketchup, yin and yang, salt and pepper or gin and tonic.
Now Australian researchers from the Universi...
Since Earebel and music are inseparable and we want to provide you with the right songs for our Radical Sound Comfort, you can find Earebel now on Spotify!Here we will regularly present and provide new playlists on different topics. Because Earebel is the perfect companion for sports and everyday life, we will create playlists for jogging, bikin...
DO YOU FOLLOW EAREBEL ON INSTAGRAM?No? Then you should do it now! Because we give away 3 vouchers for the Earebel Shop among all followers with a value of 75 €, 50 € & 25 € !All you have to do is: Follow us on Instagram @earebel &post a picture of you wearing Earebel or why you necessarily need Earebel and tag it with the hashtags #EARE...