Music is better than doping - it pushes your limits in a very legal way!
Ever since we started Earebel, we wanted to create the perfect headphones for sports. Because we always knew it: sport and music belong together like pot and lid, chips and ketchup, yin and yang, salt and pepper or gin and tonic.
Now Australian researchers from the University of Southern Queensland have proven the positive influence of music on athletic performance. In their new study, which is also based on 139 existing research results, Prof. Peter Terry's team distinguished four effects that music can have on sportspeople: psychological reactions, physiological reactions, psychophysical reactions and a change in sporting performance.
The study showed that music can actually help athletes and motivate them to achieve their sporting goals. "It will probably come as no surprise to anyone that music helps people feel more positive during exercise ... but] the fact that music can greatly enhance performance will surprise some people," explains Prof. Terry.
Music therefore improves performance, reduces perceived exertion and makes oxygen intake more efficient.
But music and training should go hand in hand!
In order to really get going, songs for sports should have at least 120/130 BPM (beats per minute). Especially when running you can increase your running performance with the right beat and rhythm.
Since musical tastes could not be more different, we have put together three different playlists for you on the Earebel Spotify Profile, with which you can also dope your performance!
Have fun with our Radical Sound Comfort:
(Ea)Rebel's Choice for running - 100 Punk Songs:
(Ea)Rebel's Choice for running - 30 Alternative, (Classic) Rock, & Indie Songs: